Every Curl In Place!

Every curl in place! ➰
#1 Stop using shampoo! 🙅🏽 Shampoo has ingredients that strip your hair of its natural oils. If you’re complaining that your hair is frizzy, it wants moisture.
#2 Check your products! 🔎 Do they contain chemicals that dry your hair out such as silicon, paraben, and sulfate?
#3 Trim your ends! ✂️ Straight pieces caused by relaxers, heat damage, or color, weigh your curls down! You only need a trim about 2-5 times a year!
Have a happy hair day!

1 comment:

  1. what kind of shampoo/cleaning agent are you using that does not strip the hair or male it frizzy....I am going to try the Palmer's Flax Seed Gel ASAP!!!


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